Sidekicks Lactation offers several lactation services to get your breastfeeding journey off to a great start, in addition to troubleshooting and maintaining the breastfeeding relationship throughout the normal course of breastfeeding and beyond!
Breastfeeding Education
Sidekicks Lactation is pleased to offer a full range of lactation education, including prenatal classes, back-to-work classes, introduction to breastfeeding classes, nutrition and weaning classes, pumping classes, introducing solids classes, and breastfeeding into the second year and beyond classes. Classes are offered in both group and private settings. Starting at $80.00. Contact me to book your class today!
Sidekicks Lactation conveniently offers in-home and office breastfeeding consultations. Prenatal consultations are a great way to help to prepare the family for a breastfeeding baby. Postpartum consultations and follow ups provide support in the early days or when families need help troubleshooting on their breastfeeding journey. Telehealth consultations are also available when in-person consultations are not feasible. Starting at $50.00. Contact me to book your consultation today!
Phone and E-mail Support
Sidekicks Lactation proudly offers phone and e-mail support as alternatives to in-person consultations. I understand that in today's society, while in-person support is most ideal, sometimes other methods are necessary. Starting at $40.00. Contact me to receive support today!
Support Groups